Hackfest 2023 - Back to the Future

Vos préférences linguistiques ont été sauvées. Nous pensons que nous avons une bonne traduction française, mais si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou des erreurs, veuillez nous contacter !

Artificial Intelligence / Real Threats
14 oct. , 14:30–15:20 (Canada/Eastern), Track #1
Langue: English

A buzzword for years, Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved into a powerful, accessible tool and, like any tool, it can be used for evil. How can AI technology be harnessed by adversaries (or you) as part of sophisticated information security attacks? What sort of attacks are we seeing in the wild and how can we prepare for the new offensive techniques?

After the initial Title and Introduction slides the presentation:
- Layout: Talking about what we are talking about. Giving the audience the basic layout of the talk and what we'll be covering. All high level info but sets expectations for the talk.
- History: Recapping how we got to this point and our (new) problem.
- Video: Covering video AI technology, real world attacks examples, and means to leverage the tech to prepare for attacks.
- Audio: Covering audio (voice) AI technology, real world attacks examples, and means to leverage the tech to prepare for attacks.
- Text/Code: Covering the use of text AI in social engineering attacks and development efforts.
- Recap: Running over the key takeaways again in the hope that something sticks.
- Thanks + A fun Q&A

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Chris Carlis is an unrepentant penetration tester with an extensive background in network, wireless and physical testing. Across his career, Chris has worked to expand the value offensive testing provided via open communication and goal driven engagements. These experiences lead Chris to co-found Dolos Group with a focus on Red/Purple Teaming, security education and training. Additionally, Chris has presented at a variety of conferences, including Thotcon, Hushcon, Hackfest, FS-ISAC, and various B-Side events. He is a perennial volunteer at the Thotcon conference in his native Chicago and helps to organize multiple Chicagoland “BurbSec” information security monthly gatherings.