HF 2022 - Call for Papers

Chris Carlis

Chris Carlis is an unrepentant penetration tester with an extensive background in network, wireless and physical testing. Across his career, Chris has worked to expand the value offensive testing provided via open communication and goal driven engagements. These experiences lead Chris to co-found Dolos Group with a focus on Red/Purple Teaming, security education and training. Additionally, Chris has presented at a variety of conferences, including Thotcon, Hushcon, Hackfest, FS-ISAC, and various B-Side events. He is a perennial volunteer at the Thotcon conference in his native Chicago and helps to organize multiple Chicagoland “BurbSec” information security monthly gatherings.

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Twitter: @chriscarlis

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Up Close & Personnel
Chris Carlis

You work hard to defend against internet based threats but how prepared are you when the attacker is on the literal doorstep? This session will provide a better understanding of the onsite attack surface and some of the more common, practical attack techniques that can result in a difficult to detect network compromise. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the role of Information Security as it pertains to Physical Security and be better equipped to identify gaps in their defenses before they are exploited.

Track 1