Hackfest 2020
See the conferences and workshops from the OTHER Speakers, here are the addresses:
*NOTE: This is NOT the URLs to deliver YOUR presentation, but to see the regular feed of the other speakers
- Day 1 / Friday - Track 1 - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3449261845873443853
- Day 1 / Friday - Track partners / workshops - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8024442978800592398
- Day 2 / Saturday - Track 1 - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3036959279109112077
- Day 2 / Saturday - Track partners / workshops - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8024442978800592398
Q&A sessions:
- Taking place on GoToWebinar (via the "question" function) if time allows
- Otherwise, it's happening on Discord, on the the channel #talks-conf-qna
Reminder for Villages:
- They take place on Discord, just like interaction, DJ and social!
- Some of these villages require separate registration via the village pages - see https://hackfest.ca/en/villages/
Reminder for the schedule:
- Global schedule: https://hackfest.ca/en/schedule/
- Schedule of conferences / workshops: https://cfp.hackfest.ca/hackfest-2020/schedule/
- You have an attendee's guide made available to you at https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1wzota9_IHfZffticOf4UxrLCck7T13TG
- It essentially takes place on Discord
- You can join at https://discord.gg/WcT5Xrd and must have joined for a while in order to have permissions to Hackfest channels - that isn't automatic.
- Roles giving access to specific Hackfest portions are allocated semi-automatically according to the form mentioned in a previously sent email : https://forms.gle/RH8WGrkEqWU7JVWu6
- IMPORTANT: extremely important to enter the name in the form yournamediscord #4897 and to NOT change your name in the meantime.
- For any question or support, #helpdesk