Hackfest 2023 - Back to the Future

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Enchantment under the C
10-14, 13:30–14:20 (Canada/Eastern), Track #1
Language: English

How the placement of your security program may be impacting your organization.

Lorraine: Marty, this may seem a little forward, but I was wondering if you would ask me to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance on Saturday?

Linda: Yeah Mom, we know, you've told us this story a million times. You felt sorry for him, so you decided to go with him to The Fish Under the Sea Dance.

Lorraine: [thoughtfully, remembering] No, it was The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Our first date. I'll never forget, it was the night of that terrible thunderstorm, remember George?

[He's not listening, completely focused on the show.]

Your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor. It was then I realized I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

[Again, George laughs at the show, Marty and Linda exchange a look.]

Are you releasing a tool?
