HF 2022 - Call for Papers

Martin Dubé

Martin spends his day meeting in the day and in his basement in the evening. Passionate about the field of Hacking for 15 years, he has an interest in technical challenges, in particular malware development, evasion of defense controls and process automation. He was involved as a Challenge Designer in the CTF of Hackfest for 7 years and NorthSec for 1 year. Currently, Martin leads a large Ethical Hacker department where he strives to innovate every day so that offensive security talents are better used today.

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Purple Teaming - From Silos to Heroes
Dany Lafrenière, Martin Dubé

Red always wins… when we work in silos! In this talk, we’ll share our journey through the evolution of internal Purple Team exercises, from the typical project-based approach to a continuous synergy with several teams. Taking inspiration from OODA loop, SOC operations and publicly available tools (Mitre ATT&CK, Vectr, git), we’ll share stories and, we hope, some words of wisdom.

Track 1