HF 2021 - Call for Papers

Metasploit 101
2021-11-20, 09:00–13:00, Sponsors - Workshops
Language: English

Want to learn the world’s most popular penetration testing framework but never had the time? This intensive workshop is your chance to get up to speed with Metasploit and go from zero to hero in 4 hours!

Please carefully check the prerequisites below!!!

Metasploit 101 is a beginner-level, hands-on workshop on Metasploit Framework. In addition to the Metasploit, we cover the basics of the offensive security mindset. The workshop consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction to Metasploit
  • Scanning
  • Exploitation
  • Meterpreter
  • Pivoting
  • Metasploit payloads and client-side exploits.

The labs in the workshop are done with a fully custom intentionally vulnerable boot2root machine that allows us to demonstrate the concepts as they are explained, as well as practice pivoting in a realistic environment.

IMPORTANT: this is a hands-on workshop, please carefully read the prerequisites - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G0FXtkpidg48_Uq8JZ5tU_X14tjtTwlIuK6xXBM1is0/edit?usp=sharing

Are you releasing a tool? – no Have this talk already be given? – yes

Amiran is currently Director, Security and Risk Management at Tasktop, building a product security program. With over 15 years in information security in roles ranging from system engineering and security operations to governance, risk and compliance, Amiran is advocating a pragmatic, business-focused approach to security.

Security is not just a job, it’s a passion.