HF 2021 - Call for Papers

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Marc Olivier Bergeron

Marc Olivier Bergeron works as a cybersecurity analyst at GoSecure in the ethical hacking team. After a couple months with the team, he quickly earned the SQLi expert title belt. Marc Olivier has been a cybersecurity enthusiast since his first NorthSec in 2015 and has been working as a professional since 2017. Since his debut, he has participated, and received honorable mentions, in many cyber events, such as NorthSec, HackFest, BSides, Geek Week, and is now a challenge designer at NorthSec and an administrator of RingZer0 Team CTF.

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SQL Injection Is Still Alive: From a Mall's Interactive Terminal to AWS WAF Bypass
Marc Olivier Bergeron

This presentation will dive into multiple SQL injections faced in the field and showcase spicy SQL injections that go from exploiting interactive display terminals of a mall center to AWS WAF bypass using a scientific notation parser bug in MySQL. In addition, we will be sharing techniques to help you find SQL Injections.

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