Hackfest 2020

Hackfest Opening
2020-11-20, 08:50–09:00, Hackfest - Track 1
Language: English

Hackfest 2020 Opening

After several months of analyzing the Covid-19 situation in Quebec, we are happy to announce that Hackfest 2020 will officially be in virtual / remote / Covid-19 mode and that we have adapted our partnership offers accordingly!

Here’s what you can expect from the 2020 event!

Technologies used and adaptations
They are adapted to formulas for a virtual event.
100% Virtual via GoToTraining the days preceding the event: https://hackfest.ca/en/trainings
Conferences and workshops
2 days of virtual conferences via Hackfest Discord and Hackfest YouTube
100% Virtual via GoToWebinar
Atmosphere and networking
Discord server with interaction and badge,goodies and more by level of participation, audio room, partner room and more!
Conference registration: Moderator ticket for registration ($10)

Are you releasing a tool? – no
  • Cofondateur du Hackfest
  • Offensive Security Lead at LogMeIn
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