Hackfest 2020

William Largent

William Largent is a threat researcher for Cisco Talos. William has over 19 years of experience in information security having previously worked for the Cisco IPS Signature team where he researched vulnerabilities and wrote signatures for Cisco security products. Previous to the Cisco IPS Signature team William worked for Cisco Remote Managed Services. William has three awesome kids and the world’s most patient wife.

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Talos: Threats and Dual-Use Tools in the Landscape
William Largent

Cisco's Talos team specializes in early-warning intelligence and threat analysis necessary for defending networks against the ever-changing threat landscape. In this talk we will cover how our team is built, look at some interesting threats and exploits -- take a look at the methods and techniques that both the attackers and defenders use to exploit these attacks, taking a deep dive into dual-use tools and see how they are being leveraged by threat actors to exploit, move laterally, and deepen the attackers reach into your network.

Threat Intelligence / OSINT
Hackfest - Track 1